What We’re Thankful For

- Amazing clients who allow us to excel with their teams
- Hard working co-workers
- An environment that believes in work-life balance
- Our family-like atmosphere
- Puppies!… and all our fur babies
- BABIES!… especially those we’ve recently welcomed and are about to welcome
- Coffee
- Weekends
- Having the opportunity to stay so busy throughout the year
- Our 27th year in business
- The office kitchen
- Celebrating the holidays together
- Comfy office chairs
- The amazing character of our Columbus buildings
- Office pranks
- Having a great team that is always willing to help
- Working with great people
- Adriaticos pizza lunches
- The new Star Wars movie
- Office happy hours
- New software
- New computers
- Excel formulas
- Creative outlets
- Spaghetti
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