Giving Extra Life to Super Bowl Commercials with Outdoor Advertising
It’s easier than you think.
With the approach of the Super Bowl comes article after article, tweet after tweet about the commercial content brands will be using during the big game.
The 2013 Super Bowl welcomed 108.7 million viewers. Each 30-second spot cost an average of $3.4 million. That’s a pretty steep price tag. But, advertisers no longer purchase Super Bowl ads with just that one spot in mind. Commercials are uploaded to vimeo and youtube prior to the big game. This gives brands a ‘pre-life.’ When a commercial is good enough (which usually means including humor or puppies) its pre-life gains even more attention than the Super Bowl can offer.
As we noticed Super Bowl commercials gain more and more attention leading up to game day, we started to wonder – what about a post-life? What can advertisers do to further capitalize on the hype surrounding a really great Super Bowl campaign? That question is so easy to answer.
Convert your Super Bowl commercial into great outdoor advertising.
Not only will this lengthen the life of your campaign, it will also act as a reminder of a message consumers already know. In the case of Budweiser’s #BestBuds spot for the 2014 Super Bowl – that reminder is of a well loved, highly received spot that is currently acting as the puppeteer to heartstrings across the internet.
Believe it or not, not everyone watches the Super Bowl. (It’s like we can hear the gasps of the NFL and FOX as we type this.) Giving your Super Bowl commercial a second life in outdoor also means reaching those who don’t tune in on game day or miss the sensation-of-the-moment items on the internet.
Making the conversion from on-screen to outdoor is easier than you think.
We went ahead and mocked up a sample billboard creative Budweiser should use to bring outdoor life to its #BestBuds campaign. By taking the most captivating or recognizable still from the commercial and placing it side-by-side with the spots call to action, this moving Super Bowl commercial becomes a heart-warming billboard.
What are some other Super Bowl commercials that you think would become great advertising campaigns? We would love to hear about your favorites in the comments below or on Facebook & Twitter.
And Budweiser, if you need help bringing your #BestBuds spot into the outdoor world – we are just a phone call away.
For those of you who may have been without power, internet access, TV access or otherwise trapped under a boulder– here is the Budweiser spot we’re referring to.