Martin Luther King Billboard Honors Pursuit of Peace
Martin Luther King billboard ads are often used to spread equality and celebrate the milestones of America. Many brands use MLK in their advertising campaigns to honor the civil rights champion and pay tribute during holidays such as Martin Luther King Jr. Day and African American History Month.
Martin Luther King on MLK Dream Weekend Billboard
Brands are always eager to use national holidays as a way to honor historical figures. In this billboard, MLK Dream Weekend uses the iconic figure to further their message of equality. With one word, this billboard conveys the shared message of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the non-profit organization responsible for the ad; we are one nation with no room for discrimination.
This Martin Luther King billboard does a great job of following suggested billboard copy guidelines with a “less is more” approach. Along with a succinct message, the call to action is clear and uncluttered.
Your MLK History Lesson
Monday, January 20, marks the 31st anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Signed into law in 1983 and observed for the first time in 1986, this recognition made Martin Luther King, Jr. the only non-president to have a federal holiday in his name. MLK Day is a time when the nation comes together to commemorate the life and legacy of a man whose words of unity and perseverance became cherished symbols of the American dream.
On behalf of Matrix Media Services, happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!