Fashion advertising where bigger is better
In a world as glitz and glam as the fashion industry, it is imperative that their outdoor advertising is as aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching as their products. With added pressure to be aesthetically pleasing, the fashion world relies on beauty to convey beauty.
Where other brands use text that force consumers to think, fashion ads typically adhere to the less-is-more ideal when it comes to ad copy. It is common to see the brand or product name as the only text used. Fashion ads are less about thinking and more about seeing and feeling. Creating this emotional response through ads heavy on graphics and light on verse, fashion brands are able to engage consumers by evoking emotion through beauty while holding faith that it will cause engagement.
Fashion advertising means image heavy displays
There are many strategies fashion brands use image heavy ads to connect with their target audience. The top players being; glamour, sleek, lust, provocative, and luxury. The goal is twofold. First is to grab the attention of the consumer. The second is to cause a positive or favorable opinion.
Outdoor advertising being the competitive marketplace it is, neither approach is an easy task. Not only do you have to grab the attention of the viewer, but you must also hold it long enough for them to find your campaign message engaging enough to respond.
Size matters when advertising fashion brands
One strategy used by the fashion industry to grab consumer attention is through size. The larger the ad is, the more opportunities it has to be seen. If it is substantial enough, it will cause viewers to stop and marvel at its size even if they (initially) have no interest in the subject. Buildings provide huge canvases for wallscape ads and spectacular units. Of course, using beautiful models doesn’t hurt. You could always take a page out of the Calvin Klein handbook, gaining attention through artfully (see: proactively) posed models.
These are just a few examples of how the fashion industry has used outdoor media to advertise their brands. Although there are new non-traditional forms of outdoor advertising, billboards are still a great way to communicate and cause many impressions on the masses. In my opinion, the fashion industry has done very well in utilizing outdoor media to advertise their brands and sending messages to consumers.