Duck Dynasty cast announces Christmas album with outdoor ads
If you and 39 of your closest relatives were going to release a Christmas themed music album, how would you choose to announce it? If you were the newly famous (and quite infamous) Robertson family you’d likely use a large outdoor advertising banner hanging from a building during the CMA Music Festival.
Hit A&E show Duck Dynasty has struck quite the cord with the highly sought after demographic of 18-49. The latest season finale beat out American Idol by nearly 35%. Advertisers, record labels, merchandising – you name it, are all vying for a piece of the dynasty.
In addition to the large-scale banner advertising, cast members also promoted the release of Duck The Halls by posing in a life-size snow globe as an additional announcement push.
If you’re a fan of the show, you’re surely aware Uncle Si never leaves home without his beloved ice tea. Using an ambient advertising method of a vending takeover (also referred to as food-truck takeover) Si further marketed the new endeavor by doling out sweet tea snow cones at a park in Nashville.
You will likely see more outdoor advertising pushes as the album release date of late October nears.