Meet the staff with Matrix Media founder, Charles McCrimmon

We decided it was time to let you in on the behind-the-scenes personalities here at Matrix Media Services. We will post weekly meet the staff pieces right here on our blog.

And, what kind of employees would we be if we didn’t start with the big guy, the one who started it all…

Charles McCrimmon

Founder, 1988

What’s your most embarrassing moment at Matrix Media?

…being in a presentation with a major client and watching MMSI’s presenter panic and stop breathing. I had to take over the presentation until the presenter calmed down and began to breathe again.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

In 6th grade a bus driver, 8th grade an architect, 9th grade a reporter/journalist, 12th grade a businessman or a ballplayer.

What’s your morning mantra?

Let’s make it a great day.

What’s your biggest pet-peeve?

Being lied to.

What’s your current mobile app of choice?

Tiger Woods Golf

What’s your favorite vacation spot?


What’s currently playing on your iPod?

Michael Jackson

If someone wrote a biography of your life, what would it be titled?

“No Regrets”

If you had to pick one out-of-home media to put your face on, what media would you choose?


What’s your happy hour drink of choice?

Grey Goose + Orange + Pineapple + Cranberry, in a tall glass with ice

If a friend was calling off work and needed a good excuse, what would you suggest they use?

Never lie about calling off work you lose credibility and whatever you lie about comes back to haunt you, being Buddhist I believe in cause and effect, what comes around goes around!