In flight ads are offered in many forms including but not limited to tray tables, overhead bins, bulkheads, magazines, napkins, cups, & aprons. Ad options usually depend on the airline and plane being used for each flight plan. In flight ads...
Airport shuttle ads are placed on airport shuttle buses used to transport travelers to and from the airport and their hotels. Shuttle ads serve as a mobile ads that target both local and tourist travelers as well as surrounding airport traffic...
Airport directory advertising ads are placed on large LCD screens that feature full motion or static video. Located throughout the airport to help direct passengers to their destination, these screens are often seen for long periods of time and...
Ticket ads on airline vouchers are highly visible ads placed on boarding passes. Hand to hand delivery ensures retention of this branding message. Ticket ads as walking billboards Ticket ads reach business and leisure travelers and are available...
In airport marketing includes a variety of media options that can be found within airports around the world. In airport advertising includes options before and after security, terminal specific placement, baggage claim areas and even VIP lounge...