Barber Shop Advertising
Barber shop advertising is an ideal medium for targeting males and ethnic demographics in a captive retail environment. Barber shop advertising is also great for targeting a store location within a specific radius.
Barber shop advertising targets relaxed, social environment
One significant advantage of barber shop advertising is the relaxed and social environment, especially since many barber shops are considered community hubs. Customers are exposed to ads while they wait for their appointment, while they get their haircut and potentially, when they linger to socialize or wait on family or friends after their appointment. Barber shop advertising is most commonly found in the top markets across the country, but it can be used to target smaller markets as well. There are various types of barber shop advertising, such as static signage, digital signage, mirror clings, floor decals, and branded items – like smocks and towels. Sampling and counter displays are also effective barber shop advertising mediums. Contract terms are typically based on 4-weeks or on a monthly basis. Media types and display sizes vary by market. Subject to market availability and this media is not offered in every barber shop.
To see similar advertising options, visit our retail marketing page.