Advertising in Albuquerque, NM

Advertising in Albuquerque, NM

albuquerque advertising

Albuquerque Demographics

Population*: 422,117 (18+)
▹ White American: 69.7%
▹ African American: 3.3%
▹ Hispanic or Latino: 46.7%
▹ Asian American: 2.6%
▹ From two or more races: 4.6%
▹ Native American: 4.6%
▹ Pacific Islander: 0.1%
Median household income: $ 47,333

About Albuquerque

Albuquerque was founded in 1706 as the Spanish colonial outpost of Ranchos de Alburquerque. It is situated in the central part of New Mexico, near the Rio Grande. It is the most populous city in the state with its 2012-estimated population of 555,417, which marks it the 32nd-largest city in the U.S. It is the 53rd-largest metropolitan area in the U.S. with a 2012 estimation of 901,700. Today, Albuquerque still holds its Spanish cultural heritage closely.

Business and Education in Albuquerque

Businesses of note: Albuquerque is home to several businesses of note, they are American Laser Games, Blake’s Lotaburger, Bowlin Travel Centers, Inc., Dion’s, Eclipse Aerospace, Eclipse Aviation, Farm Credit of New Mexico, Flying Star, Geopulse Exploration, History of Eclipse Aviation, Ideum, Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems, Novint Technologies, PNM Resources, Twin Mountain Construction, and Unirac.

Advertising & PR agencies: (AD) GCS Automotive, Complete Advertising/Marketing, Joy of Advertising, Johnny Boards, Griffin & Associates, For Rent Media Solutions, Cooney Watson & Associates, (PR) The Garrity Group, Miller Consulting Services, Palabra Public Relations, Public Image, Ltd., Rick Johnson & Co. Setter Group, KB Consulting, Inc., Schultz Communications, Agenda, and Sophie Martin Public Relations.

Colleges: There is one public university located within the city limits: The University of New Mexico (UNM). Private colleges in the city include St. Norbert College (SNC) and Trinity Southwest University (TSU).

Events in Albuquerque

    ABQ Pet Expo
    Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
    Annual Easter Show
    Gathering on Nations Pow Wow
    Hot Air Balloon Invitational White Sands National Monument
    Hot Chili Days & Cool Mountain Nights
    Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial
    Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium
    Santa Fe Wine & Chile Festival
    SWAIA Santa Fe Indian Market
    The Great American Duck Race Deming
    The Santa Fe International Folk Art Market
    Traditional Spanish Market

Most large-scale events in the market are held at the Albuquerque Convention Center.

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Albuquerque’s Must See Destinations

    Albuquerque Aquarium
    Albuquerque Biological Park
    Albuquerque Little Theatre
    Albuquerque Museum
    American International Rattlesnake Museum
    Anderson-Abruzzo International Balloon Museum
    Cibola National Forest
    Cliff’s Amusement Park
    Elena Gallegos Park
    Explora Science Center & Children’s Museum of Albuquerque
    Hinkle Family Fun Center
    Hispaniae – Old Town
    Holocaust & Intolerance Museum of New Mexico
    Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
    Jemez State Monument
    KiMo Theatre
    National Hispanic Cultural Center
    New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science
    New Mexico Rail Runner
    Nob Hill
    Old Town Albuquerque
    Petroglyth National Monument
    Rio Grande Botanic Garden
    Rio Grande Nature Center State Park
    Rio Grande Zoo
    Route 66 Casino
    San Felipe de Neri Church
    Sandia Golf Club
    Sandia Peak Tramway
    The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
    Trinity Site
    Turquoise Museum
    Twin Warriors Golf Club
    Unser Racing Museum

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